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Being a fan of historical fiction, I noticed that Scottish Oatcakes showed up often in stories and since I love oatmeal, I just had to try some. After a bit of research and much tweaking of the original recipe, I discovered a really tasty and filling solution to breakfast for my commuting husband. Cooking breakfast is time consuming, and then there is the cleanup.

A cup of coffee an an Oatcake and he can be out of the door in no time. And for me, the lasting energy keeps the hungries at bay till lunchtime.

Our recipe is adapted from the original, but with lots of additional, flavorful ingredients.  They make the perfect On-the-Go Breakfast.

Cooking breakfast is time consuming, so I wanted to create something that was both nutritious and portable that my husband and I could grab as we headed out the door in the morning. I thought Scottish Oatcakes might do the trick. Much tweaking of the original recipe resulted in wonderfully tasty versions that are amazingly filling and satisfying.

McWhirter’s Scottish Oatcakes have a high ratio of oatmeal to sugar, with just 2-5 grams of sugar per ounce. With their slow release of energy they are great for travel, kids after school snack, athletes, or for anyone as a quick, delicious breakfast with a favorite morning beverage. Commuters love them! Several customers who are diabetic have told us that our Oatcakes did not spike their blood sugar.

We hope you enjoy our Oatcakes as much as we enjoy bringing them to you!

Mary McWhirter Overfelt

Contact Mary at